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Catholic Life

Ministries & Service


The 'laity' consist of all the baptized (except for those in Holy Orders or in the religious state) members of the Church. By Baptism, they are incorporated into the People of God, share in Christ's office, and have their own part to play in the Church's mission, especially by directing temporal affairs according to God's will. They must bring God's enlightenment and order to society. Their initiative is absolutely required so that the demands of the Gospel permeate temporal realities. The laity are on the front lines and must have a clear consciousness of actually being the Church ---Pope Pius XII.


At St Paul's we welcome all those who are willing to share their special competence and time in the service of the Church. We believe that every person according to the gifts bestowed by Christ must be a living instrument of the Church's mission because Christ established both hierarchy and laity as witnesses. "To teach in order to lead others to faith is the task of every preacher and of each believer" --St. Thomas Aquinas.





Altar Servers & Eucharistic Ministers


Details on these ministries coming up soon!!!

Choir & Readers


Details on these ministries coming up soon!!!

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